The advantages of aluminium radiators compared to other materials

aluminium radiators

Radiators are made of a wide variety of materials: steel, cast iron, stone and aluminium. Choosing one over the other can directly affect its quality and consumption. In recent years, since becoming one of the most abundant materials on the planet, aluminium has become the best material for heating. It offers many benefits compared to others. 


4 Advantages of aluminium radiators: 

 1. Heats up the environment faster.

Aluminium is an excellent conductor of heat, which allows it to reach the maximum temperature of each radiator in a very short time and with great power. Therefore, aluminum radiators are the best option to achieve greater energy savings. It is a radiator that heats the room faster and more efficiently, evenly and economically.

 2. Much easier and more comfortable installation.

In general, electric radiators are easy to install and use. aluminium is a much lighter material that allows the device to be placed on any type of wall. Therefore, the installation is simpler, faster and cheaper, and a single installer is enough.

 3. Sustainability.

It is a 100% environmentally friendly heating system. It does not consume fuel or oxygen, nor does it produce waste, smoke or gases. In addition, aluminium radiators are made of a completely recyclable material, which makes it the best way to maintain comfort at home in a sustainable way and contributing to respect for the environment.

 4. Stronger and more durable.

Aluminium is one of the most resistant materials and is optimal for this type of product. It goes through an extensive special manufacturing process in which it is possible to extend its useful life. It is also a safe material with good corrosion resistance. And thanks to its malleability, we can find radiators with a wide variety of different sizes, models and designs. Aluminium radiators maintain their lightness, and they weight less compared to other materials.


Which Haverland aluminium radiator to choose?

For all reasons listed above, aluminium radiators are the best option and a guarantee of a comfortable and economical product. Haverland’s electric radiators have the most advanced technology to achieve maximum comfort and well-being under the signs of energy saving and respect for the environment.

The Haverland RCTT Connect range stands out. A range made up of electric radiators that include a thermostat with PID technology and energy optimisation algorithms to achieve greater savings and the ‘consumption control’ function, which offers real-time data on the consumption of each device to be able to manage the cost of heating.

These electric radiators have an exclusive Wi-Fi pairing system, which means that the device can be controlled from any mobile device or tablet, from anywhere. It is compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, and thanks to Haverland’s exclusive free app, it allows you to remotely turn on, turn off and block the radiators, as well as adjust the temperature or control electricity consumption. The radiator will continue to work without problems if the Wi-Fi connection is lost. For greater consumption savings, it also includes 24/7 programming and open window detector.

Haverland’s electric radiators are designed with the highest quality materials and technology, for our fast-paced way of living. We aim to make your home a more efficient and comfortable place. For more information, please contact us at any moment and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.