How wall mounted electric radiators can save you money on heating
At Haverland we have been designing and manufacturing electric radiators for almost 50 years. We’ve learned a lot about heating during that time, and we make a continuous effort to apply that knowledge to our latest electric heating solutions.
You can learn more about the way our wall-mounted electric radiators work, how they produce heat and how they compare to other electric heating solutions here.
One thing we have learned over the years, is that it’s often the small things that can make a big difference. This is true of electric radiators, the seemingly small features and extra functionality that we design into our products help to contribute towards significant energy savings. That means more money back in your pocket to spend on the things that matter to you, without compromising on heat quality or comfort.
Our latest video highlights some of these added-value features. Watch this short video to learn how seemingly simple ideas, like flexible and wide-ranging programming options, built-in energy monitors and the ability for the radiator to detect if a window is open in the room, can give you more control than ever before and help you to avoid unnecessary heating costs.
Discover more about our range of wall-mounted electric radiators and find a solution suitable for your unique space here.