Why electric radiators are the ideal heating solutions for student accommodation

Electric radiator

With the academic year complete, university places confirmed and the summer holidays upon us, students are now turning their focus to accommodation choices in preparation for university in September. Meanwhile, landlords and accommodation managers are preparing the accommodation and balancing budgets in order to provide comfortable and competitively priced options for the students that are still profitable.   

With a shortage of student accommodation in university towns, filling rooms isn’t usually a problem. However, the ability to appeal to a wide-range of people all living under the same roof, can be. Most students agree that fast broadband, a double bed and inclusive bills are high on the list of must-haves when making their choices.  

What they don’t agree on though, is the preference on the temperature in their rooms. With traditional heating systems, the only option students face is to open a window or turn the radiator off if they consider it too warm. Unconcerned with energy bills, students leave these wasted and unnecessary costs to the landlord.   

Challenges of student accommodation heating 

Student accommodation, whether halls and residences or large houses with multiple bedrooms all have one thing in common – heating issues. Most residencies use a centrally controlled gas heating system, which offers a certain level of heat to each room at pre-programmed times. 

Controlled by a single thermostat in a central location, these systems cannot provide an accurate temperature reading for all rooms in the building. This coupled with the fact that the needs of individual rooms fluctuate massively makes for either vast amounts of energy wastage or cold and uncomfortable students.   

The traditional gas central heating system pushes hot water around buildings to individual radiators via a series of pipes, irrelevant of whether the radiators are on or off. Heat is lost via this pipework continually. In large student accommodation, where there can be hundreds of bedrooms, many of which may have their radiators turned off, this heat is lost unnecessarily. Add to this the occasional open window means landlords are left footing the bill for avoidable used energy.    

Benefits of electric radiators for landlords 

An electric heating system wastes zero energy. When a radiator is switched off, it’s off and no energy is wasted driving unnecessary heat to it. The electric radiator range from Haverland provides a vast array of features that are ideal for student accommodation. They provide reliable and controllable heating, which can provide stability in energy usage and costs for the landlord. 

The radiators can be centrally programmed to reach the same temperatures, with individual digital thermostats on each radiator regulating the temperature of each room. If one room requires less heating to reach the set temperature than another, for example if it is south-facing, it will simply switch off more often than a room that is colder by nature, therefore reducing wasted energy. With individual thermostats, students themselves have more control over the temperature of their rooms, making them more comfortable and able to meet their preferences.   

Some of Haverland’s radiators include open-window detection technology which means they automatically switch themselves off if a window is left open, further increasing efficiency.  

The advantages of installing electric radiators are clear for students and landlords alike. Reliable and controllable heating for the individual student and a significant reduction in wasted energy and costs for the landlord. 

To find out more about Haverland electric heaters and how they can improve your heating bills for student residences, click here.